The Glxsshouse Presents...

The Oral History of the Houston Comets...Presented by The Glxsshouse

The Glxsshouse Season 1 Episode 2

When it comes to sports, there have only been 5 pro teams to win four consecutive championships: The Boston Celtics, the New York Islanders, the New York Yankees, the Montreal Canadians, and the 1997-2000 Houston Comets.  The Houston Comets were the WNBA’s inaugural championship team who over the course of four seasons went 98-24 and only lost two playoff games.  Houston set a tone and did so while forming the original “Big Three” with Cynthia Cooper, a thirty-four-year-old rookie, and two-time MVP; Sheryl Swoopes, a three-time MVP, and the first woman to earn a major shoe sponsorship deal; and Tina Thompson, a four-time All-Star. 

The 97-2000 Comets were the first women’s pro team to visit the White House Rose Garden and three-peat or four-peat.  But despite what all the Houston Comets gave to basketball and the WNBA, eight years after the team’s final championship in 2000, it was dissolved.  A team that helped lay the foundation of the WNBA, was unable to see the league’s 25th anniversary.

The Glxsshouse spoke to former NY Liberty and Houston Comets player, Coquese Washington and Jasmine Watkins, Community Manager at Buzzer to help give an oral history of the Houston Comets historic championship run and highlight the team’s impact on the game and league today. 

This is the oral history of the Houston Comets